Our prices are competitive. Our years of business will surely tell about fair customer service.
Exact prices of diamond works by asking.
Contact us by phone or easily by from the contact form.
Pricing justifications:
- In drilling the price is determined by the drill bit width and the amount of centimeters drilled.
- In sawing whereas the thickness of the object to be sawn and by meters sawn.
- Also stock transfer cost
- As well as any auxiliary tool and elevation parts..
- Shielding, demolition, carrying pieces etc. hourly rates.
From the customer:
- Measured and marked sites, electricity and pressure water 25 meters from the site.
- The Customer is responsible for electricity and water pipes in the structures.
- Construction permits and plans on need basis.
- Sets up a possible fire work place, takes care of fire work licenses and fire security for the site.
- In work required racks, supports, shieldings, cleaning, restrooms and also any necessary assistance work.
Homeholds, remember domestic deduction.